Sini Partinen, a 22-year old construction worker, is the youngest delegate
Sini Partinen, 22, received enthusiastic applause at the SAK Congress as she was presented as the youngest delegate. In her pre-Congress interview in SAK’s magazine ‘Palkkatyöläinen’, she gives credit to the Construction Trade Union for its special attention to young people.
She explains that many young activists were elected to both the SAK Congress and the unions’ own Congress that was held recently. The union has officials who focus on young people by visiting training colleges to activate Finland&#;8217s future construction workers.
In Hämeenlinna where Partinen lives, a group of ten or so young construction workers meet regularly to have a bit of fun – by going to watch a movie, for instance. “But our meetings are not only just for entertainment purposes! We always find time to exchange experiences from our work places and discuss any problems we may have. If a union official is present, he or she answers our questions and keeps us updated on current ‘hot’ topics.”
“It’s up to young workers to put matters that are important to young people on their union’s agenda,” she concludes.