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SAK opened an Info Point in Tallinn

Soome Tööturu Infokeskus

SAK opened an information centre in Tallinn. The Info Point offers information on the rules of the Finnish labour market, including level of pay and other working conditions, labour legislation, on how to conclude an employment contract, as well as on collective agreements, taxation and Trade Union services. The service is intended for those wishing to work in Finland. At the Info Point, information is also available on whom to contact if you need more detailed information on e.g. work permits, taxes or getting a job. The Info Point aims at providing practical and realistic information on Finnish working life and working conditions in order to prevent in advance speculation on the working conditions of people who are coming to work in Finland from Estonia, and to make is easier for Estonians to integrate in the Finnish labour market.

Estonians are the second biggest group of foreigners working in Finland, after Russians. In 2001, Estonians were granted 4 507 work permits in Finland. Estimates on the number of Estonians having worked in Finland without a work permit vary. According to Finnish appraisals, Estonian membership in the European Union and the resulting free movement of labour between the two countries will moderately increase Estonian immigration to Finland. Above all, it is likely that the Estonian membership in the EU will increase the number of Estonians working in Finland from Estonia people will commute on a daily or weekly basis.

Ms Eve Kyntäjä, who is Estonian by birth, runs the Info Point project. She has formerly worked as a researcher, specializing in immigration issues. At the Info Point, two Estonian employees serve the customers in Estonian, Russian, English and Finnish.