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SAK expresses firm support for continued incomes policy dialogue

Delegates discussing

News from the 17th SAK Congress

Incomes policy co-operation between the government and both sides of industry was strongly endorsed by the SAK Congress in Helsinki. The concluding session of the congress on Wednesday stressed that three-party social dialogue of this kind is also a strength within Europe, and that Finland must work to promote this approach during its upcoming Presidency of the European Union.

The Congress called for a common foundation of agreements and legislation within the European Union enabling both sides of industry to negotiate effectively.

SAK takes the view that the settlement achieved over the Services Directive is a balanced package. SAK urges the Finnish government to make sure that the Directive is approved during the Finnish Presidency.

Deregulation of services and the labour market will require the European Union to introduce legislation covering the whole of the Community enabling labour market organisations to petition the courts independently on behalf of workers and defining the liabilities of indirect employers.

SAK is calling for a more humane approach to globalisation that will benefit everyone instead of excluding the vast majority of human beings. The process of building a more equitable world will require a strong international trade union movement and recognition of the right to industrial action in all countries.

Employment and security in times of change

One of the most important objectives of SAK is to ensure favourable growth in employment and to guarantee permanent, full-time jobs for people. The congress imposed an employment rate target of 75 per cent to be achieved within five years. The current employment rate in Finland is about 68 per cent.

The congress paid particular attention to the increasing use of agency workers and to the rising level of casual and irregular employment. Controlling employment of this kind is now the top priority of SAK.

The organisation is also focusing on issues arising from the generation shift in the labour market. Efforts will be made to encourage the union membership of young people and workers in casual and irregular employment by such means as establishing a joint trade union service centre.

The SAK Congress is prepared to accept collective bargaining at workplace and enterprise level, provided that this is accompanied by measures to improve the status of shop stewards. The congress also felt that the organisation of work, the principles governing the use of labour, vocational skills and sustained job satisfaction should also be brought within the sphere of local collective bargaining.

SAK is prepared to continue applying a principle of solidarity in incomes policy that most effectively guarantees employee purchasing power, employment, and qualitative improvements in working life.

At the end of the congress the SAK leadership expressed the view that the proceedings had been highly stimulating and inspiring.