Enterprises should regard occupational safety as a strategic factor
(Helsinki 21.02.2003 – Juhani Artto) The rapid decline in work-related accidents and diseases in Finland virtually stopped in the early 1990s. Progress since then has been slow, despite the massive human and material investments in occupational safety and health.
“There are competent risk studies in practically all industries, but the results are not transmitted effectively to the workplaces,” comments Jyrki Liesivuori, who is professor of occupational and environmental toxicology at the University of Kuopio in Eastern Finland.
One obvious weakness is a shortage of training at all levels. “Only 20 per cent of the occupational safety staff of enterprises have participated in basic occupational safety courses” Liesivuori notes, referring to findings reported by the Centre for Occupational Safety.
The whole interview can be read on Trade Union News from Finland. See also articles New occupational safety law in force: Greater responsibility to employers for preventing accidents at work (19.02.2003) and About six per cent of men’s deaths are related to occupational factors (20.02.2003) on the same website.