Do you have a good job? Test your working conditions by SAK standards!
Anyone can use the SAK Good Job Barometer to test their working conditions and compare them to the experiences of more than one thousand other employees. The test applies research findings on the quality of life at work formulated at the beginning of 2020.
Published in English, Finnish and Swedish, the Good Job Barometer online test measures such aspects as security of employment, earnings, and opportunity to influence working conditions. It uses the responses to assess whether the respondent’s working conditions are better or worse than average.
Besides the overall assessment, the test provides a comparison with other jobs according to a range of ten indicators.
The Good Job Barometer online test at testatyoolosi.fi/en was first published on the SAK website in February 2015, and has been completed by about 9,000 respondents to date.
The Good Job Barometer assesses a job through the individual
Arranged every two years, the Good Job Barometer study is part of a general SAK survey of working conditions that examines the quality of working conditions in a wide variety of ways.
“Every survey round without exception has identified occupational safety and a good work team as the best aspects of a job, whereas the greatest concerns have been raised by the frantic pace of work and haste, and the adverse health impacts of work,” explains SAK research specialist Riitta Juntunen.
The Barometer suggests that recent years have seen favourable progress in the quality of life at work in Finland, with the latest survey indicating that more than a quarter of employees organised in SAK trade unions enjoy good or fairly good working conditions. However, there is still work to be done.
“Nearly one-fifth of respondents still report working conditions that are either poor or fairly poor. Determined action is needed to improve quality of life at work so that more employees can do their jobs in good working conditions,” Riitta Juntunen insists.
Juntunen points out that the Good Job Barometer assesses work and the workplace through the individual. It does not measure whether the entire workplace is good or bad, and both good and bad jobs can always be found within one and the same workplace.
The latest general SAK working conditions survey underlying the Good Job Barometer was based on responses from 1,003 members of SAK-affiliated trade unions in February – March 2020. The associated standard is based on the Gute Arbeit index of the German Trade Union Confederation, DGB.
Test your own working conditions at