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Bernadette Ségol: "A return to protectionist barriers offers no future"

Bernadette Ségol. Kuva: Petri Laitinen

“Withdrawing behind national borders offers no sort of constructive solution to organised labour,” emphasised Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary, in her speech at the SAK Congress on Monday in Tampere.

This temptation to withdraw behind national borders exists in many European countries, also in Finland. “But self-protection should not make us blind to present and future realities. A return to protectionist barriers offers no future. It only prepares the foundation for increased nationalist, populist and xenophobic social movements. We are seeing this happening with fear and dismay in many European countries, including your own,” warned Ségol.

She strongly criticised the austerity measures implemented in Ireland, Greece, Portugal, the UK, Hungary, Romania and several other countries in Europe as cuts in wages and public services will severely affect consumption and thus growth and employment.

In concluding, Ségol insisted that the balancing measures be extended to a much longer period than three or four years and that they should include issues such as fair taxation, doing away with tax havens, a transaction tax and the fight against illegal and undeclared work. “I cannot see a solution to the current crisis without investment and without a system that prevents market forces from setting interest rates and the rules for the game.”

Photos from SAK’s Congress (Flickr)