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A summary of the SAK membership survey 2000 now on the Internet (29.06)

The causes of change – the realities of life for SAK unionised men and women

SAK commissioned a comprehensive membership survey during the year 2000, and replies to the related questionnaire were received from a total of 9948 members of the SAK affiliated unions. Starting in 1984, SAK has surveyed at five year intervals, the opinions of the members of its affiliated unions on the trade union movement, on the opportunities to have control over the issues which matter to them, on work in general, and on their expectations regarding work. The results portray the views, and the position in the world of work, of approximately one million Finnish wage earners. This recurring membership survey is the largest which is regularly undertaken in the field of NGOs in Finland. In addition to these comprehensive surveys, the opinions of the membership of the SAK affiliated unions are monitored twice yearly by means of less extensive questionnaires.

Four reports have been published on the results of the membership survey 2000. SAK has now published an English summary of these four reports. The summary is in PDF format – in order to view it, you will need to download the Adobe Acrobat Reader which is available free of charge at Adobe’s website.

English summary of the SAK membership survey 2000