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European elections: Where do the political parties stand on issues of importance to employees?

Political developments in Finland have given us serious grounds for voting in European elections. SAK has surveyed the attitude of political parties to issues at EU level that are crucial to employees.

While all of the responding political parties agree that foreign employees must be paid from the outset according to the laws and collective agreements of the country where they work, they differ in their views on many other questions. For example, they do not all agree that the EU should guarantee the right to strike.

Responses came from the National Coalition Party, the Social Democratic Party, the Centre Party, the Green League, the Left Alliance, the Swedish People’s Party and the Christian Democrats. The Finns Party and Movement Now did not respond to a request to complete the survey questionnaire.

European Parliamentary elections in Finland will take place on Sunday 9 June 2024, with advance voting arranged between 29 May and 4 June 2024 in Finland, and from 29 May to 1 June 2024 abroad.

A more detailed account of the justifications given by the parties for their responses may be found on our Finnish-language pages (in Finnish only).