SAK demands a two per cent increase in the purchasing power of the wage and salary earners
The Executive Board of SAK, The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions, fixed the organisations’ wage demands for the forthcoming collective bargaining. SAK seeks a positive and stable development in the purchasing power and in employment, thus bringing a degree of stability and predictability in front of the uncertain economic and employment prospects.
The proposed wage increases would, together with the tax cuts proposed by the Finnish Government, lead to a 2 per cent increase in purchasing power.
For 2003 SAK proposes wage increases which would raise wage costs by 3.8 per cent in the whole economy. SAK strives for an equally big general increases for all, in cents per hour or euros per month, worth 2.5 per cent plus 1% to be decided upon at the branch level and also a special equity increase for branches with a high concentration of female employees, worth on average 0.3 per cent.
For 2004 the demand is wage increases which would raise wage costs by 3.4 per cent in the whole economy. The demand is an equally big general increases for all, worth 2.3 per cent plus 0.8% to be decided upon at the branch level and also a equity increase worth 0.3 per cent.
The 2003 wage increases should be effective as from 1st of February 2003 and in year 2004 in February. The actual two years Incomes Policy Agreement runs out in the end of January 2003.
To give protection against unpredicted economic changes, the Executive Board also seeks an index clause and a wage development guarantee.
The proposed wage increases – together with the tax cuts proposed by the Finnish Government and other increases in wages etc. – would raise the net earnings of an employee with 2000 euros per month with approximately 64 euros per month next year.
See also SAK seeks a two-year incomes policy agreement (26.09.2002)