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Online petition to change the government’s retiring age decision

Hallituksen on muutettava eläkeiän nostoa koskeva päätös

The national labour confederations have prepared a joint petition calling on the government to abandon its decision to raise the retiring age from 63 to 65 years. This petition can be signed at (in Finnish).

Petition in English:

The Finnish government must reconsider its decision to raise the retiring age

Even the present retiring age poses a health risk to many people at work. Employees are continually stressed by overwork, unstable conditions and changing duties.

The Finnish government has now made a unilateral decision to raise the minimum retiring age from 63 to 65 years. This decision was taken without consulting employees through their national representatives at SAK, STTK and Akava. The government has shown no interest in the opinion of employees concerning cuts that affect them.

We call on the Finnish government to reconsider its decision to raise the minimum retiring age to 65 years.

Matti Tukiainen, Director, Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions – SAK
Kauko Passi, Director, Finnish Confederation of Professionals – STTK
Risto Kauppinen, Director, Confederation of Unions for Professional and Managerial Staff in Finland – Akava