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Foxconn's strikers retained the proper agreement until June 2006

Chemical Workers' Union

(Helsinki 04.03.2005 – Juhani Artto) It demanded 16 days of strike for the Foxconn management to realise that it cannot unilaterally replace the collective agreement for the plastic industry by the agreement for the technology industry.

Yesterday evening Foxconn and the Chemical Workers’ Union approved district conciliator Esa Lonka’s proposal for a settlement. According to it the plastic industry collective agreement will be applied at least until 30 June 2006.

A task force will be established to search for common understanding on what collective agreement will be applied after 30 June 2006. The task force will consist of representatives of the Chemical Workers’ Union, the Metalworkers’ Union and the two concerned employer associations.

Workers of the Taiwanese owned Foxconn started the strike on 16th February 2005. By the action they defended their right to apply the plastic industry collective agreement. More than a year ago the employer began its effort to transfer the workers from the plastic industry collective agreement to the so called technology industry collective agreement.

A similar kind of a strike is still going on at Are Oy, where about 230 electricians began on Monday a strike to retain the collective agreement they have had long time. Read more about the conflicts in Trade Union News in Finland.