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Finnish employee organisations mobilise to save Amina Lawal Kurami

SAK, STTK and Akava mobilise to save Amina Lawal Kurami.

In a letter to the Nigerian ambassador in Stockholm, the central confederations of employees in Finland stress their indignation and deep concern at the fate reserved for Amina Lawal Kurami by the Nigerian justice system. The confederations urge the ambassador to take up the matter immediately with President Olusegu Obasanjo, so that the mother of three children could be saved from the death penalty.

The verdict is incompatible with the Constitution of Nigeria and with the country’s obligations under international law pertaining human rights. The central confederations of employees consider the practice of stoning to be the worst form of torture. It is banned by both the UN Convention Against Torture and by the International Pact on Civil and Political Rights. Condemning a woman to death merely for having given someone life shows once again the extent to which women are discriminated against, and place the women, as well as the men who give such sentences, at the mercy of the most obscurantist attitude in the history of mankind.

The letter sent to the Nigerian Ambassador in Stockholm